Prequalification Letter

Here to Assist from Start to Finish

Congratulations on making the decision to purchase a home.  Thank you for your interest in obtaining a Prequalification Letter* from Hatboro Federal Savings.  A Prequalification Letter will let you know if you will be likely to qualify for a mortgage and how much of  a loan you may be able to borrow.  A Prequalification Letter is provided at no cost.

For further information please contact one of our loan officers today at 215.675.4424:

Tim Nogowski

NMLS# 73964

Michael Rapp

NMLS# 907915

*The following information is needed to request a prequalification letter:

  • Current Income Documentation
    • Pay Stubs and W-2’s
    • 2 Years Tax Returns (for self-employed borrowers)
  • Written authorization to run credit on all borrowers